VMSON Protocol
VMSON Protocol Documentation


The VMSON language is a JSON-based format designed for data-exchange between systems operating in the transportation sector. The specification will mainly cover the following use cases:

Vmson is abstract, extensible, autoexplicitate and low overheaded. It is based on JSON grammar rules and answers to these questions: who, when, why, what is communicating. It is composed by sets of packages that can be aggregated with a certain level of freedom. Packages can be divided into two families, base packages and experts packages. Experts packages can be represented only as a subset of base packages, mainly into the content package.


VMSON comes from the VmML experience (vmml.org), and aims to improve the language scope, providing more standards to manage, process and share data between distributed systems. The specification and development of the VMSON standard will grow through the direct involvement of participating firms that operate in the Transport sector: manufacturers, telecomm companies, hardware and software vendors, transport operators.